• Bisque Imports’ Quest for the Perfect Dot

  • Sets Make Great Gifts

    Example of sets of pottery to paint

    Looking for a gift for someone special? Sets of pottery make great, functional gifts for family and friends. In addition, sets with multiple pieces give everyone in the family a chance to create their own masterpiece.

    Stackable Mugs and Cup and Plate Duos

    soup and sandwich set plate and mug

    Kitchen Tools

    sets of measuring cups and spoons

    Wine Coolers and Goblets

    wine cooler and goblets

    Bookends and Pet Dishes

    bookends and pet dishes

    Sets make nice gifts. They are also a great way to stock your own home with useful items. Come in today to see our great stock!

  • 5 Memorable Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

  • Bisque Import’s Shaving Cream and Glaze Technique Video

  • 3 Ways Clay Cafe Studios Can Help with School Auctions and Fundraisers

    Spring is school auction and fundraiser time. Ceramic art is a creative and popular auction item that raises much-needed funding for schools. Here are 3 ways we can help you generate those fundraising dollars.

    Pottery Painted by the Kids

    You visit the studio and choose a pottery piece to buy, Clay Cafe Studios will loan you paint and you take it to your school to decorate. This is a great activity for students to participate in a community service to help raise funds for their school. After painting the pottery, you bring it back to us to glaze and fire. Handprints and fingerprints create cute and desirable art on platters, bowls and vases. Parents love to bid on pottery that their kids have helped to personalize. Clay Cafe Studios can help you with lettering and finish off your masterpiece. Perfect for a silent auction.

    Studio VIP Cards

    For every school that asks, Clay Cafe donates a Studio VIP Card. That card entitles the auction winner to 5 free studio sessions. No work on your part. You ask. We give. This is also a great addition to your silent auction.

    Group Fundraisers

    You buy the pottery and paint from us. You charge a marked up price to each painter. The difference between what you pay us and what you charge painters will be your funds raised for the school. This is a great way to contribute school improvements such as creating a tile mural or other display and earn money for your school.

    Please call Gayla at Clay Cafe (703-646-6007) if you have any questions or visit our website .

  • Family Night Out at Clay Café Studios

    Are you looking for a fun activity to try with your family? Pottery painting is a creative outlet that can also help your family spend more time together! See how much fun your family will have with a night out at Clay Café Studios:

    Enjoy Quality Time Together

    Spending time as a family is important for building strong bonds and creating lasting memories. It can be difficult to spend quality time together when you’re at home and have distractions like TVs and tablets, which is why it’s a good idea to get out! Take your family to Clay Café Studios for ceramic painting and other crafts. You’ll have plenty of time to talk to one another—especially when you’re complimenting each other’s pottery painting.

    Express Your Creative Sides

    You don’t have to be a professional artist to have a creative side! Everyone in your family has a little creativity they can get out when you visit Clay Café Studios. You’ll all be able to pick the pottery piece that you want to paint, allowing you to choose something you find appealing. Painting your pottery will help you express your creativity and leave you with a fun trinket to take home.

    Collaborate on Pottery Painting

    Each member of your family can work on their own piece when you visit Clay Café Studios, but you can also collaborate on your pottery painting! Collaborating on a piece is a great way to combine two different viewpoints and can be helpful for younger family members or those who don’t feel comfortable painting their own piece.

    Create One-of-a-Kind Gifts

    When you visit a ceramic painting place with your family, you’ll be able to make gifts that you can give to other family members and friends. Instead of purchasing something from a store and potentially giving the same gift as someone else, your family can present a loved one with a one-of-a-kind present.

    Clay Café Studios is a great choice for all members of the family! You can learn about our pottery painting near Falls Church, VA by visiting us online or calling us at (703) 646-6007.

  • Home Decor Trends for 2018

    At Clay Café Studios, we are always watching for the latest trends in home decorating. Rich, warm colors are in the forecast for this year. Florals are also always in style. This year, expect to see lots of botanical prints, pineapple-themed items and geometric shapes. Here are a few you can find at Clay Café.

    Botanical Prints


    Geometric Designs

    If you are looking for something special to spruce up your home, don’t hesitate to ask us for help. We may just be able to find that special piece of pottery to complete your look!

  • Gayla Talks About the Idea Center

  • Why Round Plates are Better

    Does the shape of your plate matter? Surprisingly, it might.

    Did you know that research has confirmed that plate shape can influence consumers’ perceptions of food, especially sweetness. When comparing round vs. square plates, taste perception changes.

    One study found that perceived sweetness was higher on round plates than square ones. In fact, intensity and quality were also rated higher on round plates.

    Just some fun facts for you! We have many styles and sizes of round plates, as well as square ones, at #ClayCafeStudios. Come on by and check us out!

  • How to Make Your Own Dinnerware Set

    How to Make Your Own Dinnerware Set

    Do you love the thought of a coordinated, pretty dinner table? Have you been unable to find dishes that you like? Have you ever considered making your own?

    There are tons of modern and stylish dinnerware that are popular these days. Here are few we like:

    Solids in Trendy Colors

    Polka Dots or Stripes



    At #ClayCafeStudios, we can help you customize your own set to fit your family’s needs. Be sure to ask us about our set discounts!